The Schoonenberg, also spelled “Schonenberg” and “Schonenbergh”, was a trading ship operated by the VOC between 1717 and 1722. The ship, a Spiegelretourschip[1] or Dutch East Indiaman, was damaged beyond repair in an accident at Struisbaai, South…

Under the command of Capt. Jan van der Linden, Schoonenberg left Texel on 10 February 1719[1] on her maiden voyage with a final destination of Ceylon. Following the routine stop at Cape Town, the ship…

The first Seekamp family trees The Früchtenicht/Biermann family book pieces together the early Seekamp families as follows, starting with the brothers Hinrich and Brüne Seekamp, known to be the first forefathers of…
Folklore Stories from the area 18th and 19th Century, from the Folklore project. Old Schools In 1794 there was an old school in St Mullins in the middle of…

Bruin Bruinszoon Zee was the first Dutch-born Zee, born in Medemblik in 1735 to Bruno Zee and Anna Margaretha Meyers. In his twenties, he was a sailor and ships carpenter,…
The Ballyknock Murphys Pierce Murphy and Ann Doran are ancestors that many of our family trace back to. Pierce and Ann raised their family in Ballyknock – a small townland…

Robert Nolan and Mary Byrne are to date the earliest known ancestors of our branch of the Nolan family. Robert and Mary were the parents of six children: I’ve started…

The Seekamp name dates back to – at least – November 25, 1481 [1]. That Friday, Heinrich Clüver [2] sold a piece of land near Bollen known as the Sehekampswerder to the…
Mangan Farm is the ancestral homestead of Thomas Kavanagh and Margaret ‘Judith’ Cleary, located between Enniscorthy and the Blackstairs mountains – about 5 miles from each. Our Nolan family traces…

When the VOC Ship Schoonenberg was wrecked off Cape Agulhas in November 1722, the surviving sailors faced an arduous overland trek to the company headquarters at the Cape. Fortune favoured…